Monday, May 2, 2011

Getting ready

       My name is Dorsin and I'm getting ready for a big trip around different countrys. To be prepared I need all kinds of different clothing and materials in order to make it a pleasant and successful trip.  Below is a list of all the stuff I'll need and will fit into and on my backpack :

Hat,  drees shirt,  jacket, gloves,  sandals,  sunglasses, sleeping bag, mess kit,  buck knife, passport
cross shoes, t-shirt,  long sleeve shirt,shorts

I'll need all these items individually and in groups at some point in time on my trip because I plan on going to all different climates and will have various sleeping arrangements.

In each of the different links you will see details of my trip which include everything from travel arrangements to sites and activities I participate in.  Thanks for visiting my web site and I hope you enjoy learning about my trip.I realy like to go in those country because I can see different things and see my friends.

My frist  stop is France.
Seecond  stop China.
Third stop South Africa.
Fourth stop Mexico.
Fifth stop Brazil.
Sixth stop Australia.
seventh stop Mali.
Eigth stop Denver.